Open Teaching Days

Open Teaching Days (March 31 – April 4) are an opportunity for top faculty to open their classroom to a wide variety of “students” for a day. Since Fall 2023, this event has provided an opportunity for faculty to experience UD’s student-centered educational culture first hand. All UD faculty and staff are encouraged to register now to attend classes.

The CTAL Beacon

The CTAL Beacon is your source for learning about relevant teaching support news and resources. Please consider signing up for the email newsletter to keep informed about CTAL programs, events, and information.

We've moved!

CTAL staff are now located on the third floor of Hullihen Hall. The main suite, 313 Hullihen Hall, provides faculty and staff with a welcoming space to seek out support for a variety of teaching questions. All future CTAL in-person consultations will take place in this suite of offices. We also welcome requests for zoom consultations.

Using and addressing advanced automated tools in teaching

Practical suggestions for faculty addressing the use of advanced automated tools such as ChatGPT in their courses and assignments.

313 Hullihen Hall, Newark, DE 19716 | Phone: (302) 831-2027 |

The staff at the Center for Teaching & Assessment of Learning are invested in your growth as a teacher-scholar. UD’s ecosystem of teaching support services and resources can be confusing to navigate, so allow us to be your teaching guides! Together, we can work with you to identify your individual teaching and assessment needs to create a custom plan to accomplish your goals and address any challenge. Send us an email, request a one-on-one consultation, or stop by our offices at 313 Hullihen Hall to get started!

Dr. Matthew Trevett-Smith

Director, Center for Teaching & Assessment of Learning

The mission of UD’s Center for Teaching & Assessment of Learning is to foster an inclusive culture of evidence-based teaching and learning across the university by inspiring effective teaching and assessment using high-impact strategies, tools, and collaborations.

Upcoming Events & Seminars

CTAL Newsletter

Sign up to receive that latest information about CTAL’s programming, events, workshops, and resources delivered directly to your email inbox.

Teaching Support Grant Opportunities:

Various units across the University of Delaware offer grant funding opportunities for instructors to develop their teaching, improve existing courses, develop new courses, evaluate instruction, and assess curricular needs. In such cases special calls are opened in response to strategic priorities.

Instructors are encouraged to read the specific calls below to determine which opportunity best fits their project.

A curated list of teaching support grant programs is available at